
We can help the sewer do its job

The primary function of the sewer is to carry wastewater unimpeded to the...

Sofiyska Voda took part in a demonstration event on the occasion of the Bulgarian Rescuers’ Professional Day

Sofiyska Voda took part in a demonstration event on the occasion of the Bulgarian Rescuers’ Professional Day

The Trunk Sewer Survey and Field Activity Team of Sofiyska Voda took part in an...

Kiril Petkov from Failures and Maintenance Dept. at Sofiyska Voda with recognition for courage shown

At Sofiyska Voda, not only dedicated professionals work, but people with big...

Communicate quickly and easily with Sofiyska Voda through the company's digital platforms

Communicate quickly and easily with Sofiyska Voda through the company's digital platforms

Sofiyska Voda reminds its customers that the company's online services...

New facilities optimize the wastewater treatment in Sofia

New facilities optimize the wastewater treatment in Sofia

Kubratovo SWWTP meets the recent requirements of the European Union with the two newly opened facilities

New service of Sofiyska Voda for owners and users of swimming pools

New service of Sofiyska Voda for owners and users of swimming pools

Sofiyska Voda, operated by Veolia, now offers its customers the possibility...

Sofia Airport passengers already fill their bottles with water from smart water fountains

Sofia Airport passengers already fill their bottles with water from smart water fountains

Three new potable water fountains are now available to the passengers...

Sofiyska Voda launches a priority service system for disadvantaged people

Sofiyska Voda launches a priority service system for disadvantaged people

All customer service centers of Sofiyska Voda are now equipped with a button...

Sofiyska Voda participates in an international meeting of trunk sewer operators

Sofiyska Voda participates in an international meeting of trunk sewer operators

The Sewerage Services Unit of Sofiyska Voda presented its achievements over the...

Sofiyska Voda and the water’s route in the European Researchers’ Night

Sofiyska Voda and the water’s route in the European Researchers’ Night

Margita Aleksova, Water Quality Management and Water Facilities Maintenance...

Let's challenge the future of water together!

Under this motto we present our plans for the development of the urban WSS...

Sofiyska Voda held a public consultation with the customers on business plan 2022-2026

Sofiyska Voda held a public consultation with the customers on business plan 2022-2026

Sofiyska Voda, part of Veolia, held a public consultation with the customers on...