Sofiyska Voda donated 62 old vehicle batteries for a new defibrillator

Sofiyska Voda donated 62 old vehicle batteries for a new defibrillator

The company joined the cause of The First Three Minutes Foundation


62 automotive batteries from the company’s cars less in exchange for one more life-saving defibrillator in Sofia. This is part of the result of the campaign “Plums for garbage or an old car battery for a new defibrillator” of ‘The First 3 Minutes’ foundation, in which Sofiyska Voda, operated by Veolia, participated. Thus, the company donated BGN 733, which is the value of the recycled batteries. 
For the purpose of purchasing a defibrillator, ‘The First 3 Minutes’ foundation collects dead car batteries that it hands over to a recycling company. In turn, the recycling company cashes the car batteries in and the money is set aside for the purchase of a defibrillator.  

According to information of the Foundation, in case of cardiac arrest, the only way to restore the heart rhythm is defibrillation during the first 3 minutes. The chances of survival decrease by 10% with every minute of delay, and 80% of the heart attacks happen outside hospitals. Therefore, in a million-city like Sofia, there is a need for public defibrillators that could save people’s lives until the arrival of the paramedics. 

Sofiyska Voda, operated by the global Veolia Group, is a socially responsible company, whose activity at its core is to be useful to the people and their way of living. On the other hand, the implementation of an ecological transformation worldwide is Veolia’s Purpose. Vehicle batteries are an example of hazardous waste, which, however, can be recycled and brought back to life – an example of circular economy, which the company implements and highly recommends. 

The cause of ‘The First 3 Minutes’ foundation fully embodies the values of the company operated by Veolia Group. By exchanging vehicle batteries for defibrillators tons of hazardous waste are saved and the most precious 3 minutes are won.

For the purchase of the second public defibrillator another 186 vehicle batteries or 3,351 kg still have to be collected based on the current purchase price and the average weight of 1 vehicle battery - 18 kg.
Everyone who wishes to join the campaign could contact the Foundation by e-mail Everyone who has provided a car battery for the cause will receive a certificate for the donation in person.

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