Additional mobile public taps on Vitosha Blvd. over the next three hottest days

Additional mobile public taps on Vitosha Blvd. over the next three hottest days

They are part of the long-standing “Quench the Heat” initiative of the company that promotes constant access to high quality drinking water


The well-known “water men” (art taps) will be at their posts at different places on Sofia’s Vitosha Blvd. from Wednesday to Friday during the hottest hours between 10.00 h and 15.00 h. The mobile taps of Sofiyska Voda, operated by Veolia, have appeared by tradition every year during the dog days* in the city center to provide drinking water to the guests and residents of the capital for more than 10 years now. They are part of the long-standing “Quench the Heat” initiative of the company that promotes constant access to high quality drinking water, reminds of the healthy hydration, and raises the awareness of Sofia’s water. 

The “water men” are made entirely of pipe materials – materials used by the WSS company to repair or build urban infrastructure. Their design and manufacturing are the work of the emergency teams of Sofia’s water operator. In addition, this year the “water men” will be equipped with a QR code sticker that provides all the information to those more curious about the water composition and quality in different regions of Sofia.  

Summer is the season when water is vital. According to scientific researches if we feel thirsty, that is a signal that our body has already lost 1% of its water reserves. For that reason, we should responsibly take care of what our bodies need. In the opinion of many specialists, the recommended amount of water we should be drinking every day for a well-hydrated body is 1 l per 25 kg of our body weight, and most frequently above 2 l of water a day are recommended. 

Sofiyska Voda guarantees the drinking water quality in the capital and assures that it is the most suitable to ensure the hydration essential for our organisms. The reason for that is that our tap water is high mountain water coming from Rila, it is pH balanced (between 7.2 and 7.4) and low mineralized, which makes it extremely suitable for unlimited everyday consumption, especially for babies, young children and elderly people. In addition to the good natural characteristics of the Sofia water, it is subject to further stringent laboratory control    along its entire route from the dam to our homes. The company takes 9,000 control samples on average from the monitoring points at consumers’ locations across the entire water supply network, around 150,000 lab analyses are made for them, and the results per regions are available on the company’s webpage and the mobile application “My Water” in IoS and Android.

*With the exception of the COVID-related extraordinary measures over the last two years, Sofiyska Voda promotes by tradition the tap water in the capital.  

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